Sunday, August 8, 2010

Supervisor Comments on Research Plan

My site supervisor, Kelly West, was very excited about my action research plan. She was very pleased that I would be seeking alternatives for our district to improve behavior. Basically the only additions she wanted me to make were the following: She wants my focus to be on finding behavior plans that teach students how to make better choices in the many situations they find themselves in. Parenting skills are weak in our low-economic district and children just aren’t taught the correct decisions to make in situations. She wants the plan we choose to have lessons that are taught in the classroom on choices. Finally, she wants me to find a program that also has a parent component with it. She was extremely supportive and gave me the name of one program called, “The Right Choice”, she wants me to research as one of the possible choices. She offered her support in any way needed throughout the process. I plan to make these changes to my plan.

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