Sunday, August 1, 2010

Action Research Plan:What effective behavior management plans are most successful for middle school aged children?

Action Research Plan
1. Examining the work: Setting the Foundation- The first step would be to study behaviors and create list of students who have spent time in ISS, ASD, Saturday school or OSS. This will help determine how many students are actually disrupting class enough to have to leave and miss instruction in the classroom.
2. Analyzing data-A variety of data will be used for this research project. I will interview administrators from districts with similar demographics to see what plans they are using. I will also do online research and study effective behavior management plans for students in grades 5-8 to see what is working without students losing classroom learning time. In addition to this I will seek out readings, magazines, books, etc. showing effective management plan research results. I will then survey classroom teachers, the ISS coordinator, the principal, and parents to see what concerns or recommendations they have.
3. Developing deeper understanding-To gain a deeper understanding I will set up a committee with a teacher from each grade level, the ISS coordinator, and the Middle School principal. I will have them discuss the top three behavior modification plans and choose the one they wish to implement. After studying the results and choosing the new behavior management plan for Alto Middle School, we will provide in-service training for faculty and put the new plan into action for the next three months. We will closely compare the number of student referrals to past numbers during this time.
4. Engaging in Self-Reflection- At this point, I would take time to answer the following questions?
*Does the new plan have proven results that decrease repeat behavior problems?
*Does the new plan increase student learning by decreasing time out of classroom?
5. Exploring Programmatic Patterns-Throughout the next few months, I will continue to monitor the results and to conduct interviews with students, parents, and faculty to see if the new behavior plan is being effective. I will also make changes in areas not being successful and continue to seek improvement ideas through further research.
6. Determining direction-This action research plan will start this year in August. I will plot the data until the end of October. During that time I will be conducting research and narrowing down the most effective behavior management plans. The committees will then meet and voice concerns and ideas and the final plan will be chosen.
7. Taking action for school improvement- In-service training will take place in December. In January, the new plan of behavior management will be implemented and data will be documented to see if the new plan has the desired outcome. Teachers will meet monthly to discuss concerns or improvements in behavior they see. I will continue to monitor and report the data taken from the number of referrals compared to the former system.
8. Sustaining improvement-I will continue to monitor and report the data taken from the number of referrals compared to the former system. Discussion will then take place with all faculty members to see if the new behavior management plan is increasing student time in the classroom with fewer disciplinary disruptions.

1 comment:

  1. Solid Plan....can any of these areas be combined to make things run smooth? Also who is responsible for each area? Are student in ISS because they are not challenged in class? These are just the questions that come to mind. I do like your plan, very well thought out. Check mine out if you are bored.
